The audio script now has a working title; CAPTIVE JUDGEMENT. I will complete the script this week, with a view to recording the initial material next week, and cutting it together the week after that. A second audio story is being plotted, and once the two are complete, I'll release them together on one CD via my Lulu page. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and will hopefully serve as a kind of audio taster of my work, that I can use to get my scribblings noticed a little further afield. The two stories will be offered as a download too, and one of them (Probably Captive Judgement) will be podcasted.
Once upon a time I was offered a writing slot on the audio Science Fiction series THE AGENTS OF PSYENCE, which I'm still sad I didn't take advantage of. I wrote outlines for two stories, which were okayed, and then all hell broke loose and life got in the way for a while. I'm catching up now, and making up for the lost time as best I can. This pair of new, original science fiction audio plays is just the beginning. I'm looking forward to giving people so many stories this year. Looks like, at long last, the time has come.
The war with 'real life' and 'the future' is on.