The journey is almost complete. I started compiling older stories and writing brand new ones for inclusion in Across The Seas Of Mind in June last year, and was all set to have it ready within a couple of months. What can I say? Life got in the way. I don't mean regular day-to-day matters though. I'm talking about the worst floods to hit the country in 200 years, which destroyed many peoples' lives. as a result of the floods, I had to give up my home and was thrown into a period of chaos that is only now starting to resemble a life again. In the interim, I became a music journalist for Subba Cultcha, and later POWERPLAY ROCK AND METAL MAGAZINE too. I kept writing fiction, but after everything that had happened I couldn't really focus on it much. Now I'm making a huge effort to get the book complete and out for you to read. I'm publishing it through Lulu.com as, more than anything, this book was created to prove to myself that I could do it. I know I should be aiming higher, and I am doing so with other material, but I just wanted to create my own anthology in the vein of all those classics of the genre that line my many bookshelves. It has been a personal journey of discovery, perseverance and creativity in the face of difficult odds. The title story has grown into a novella that takes up much of the latter half of the book, and is, quite frankly, the best piece of fiction I've written thus far. Actually, there are several stories in the book that deserve that title.
Where do I go from here? More music journalism, my ebook series (and its possible future in print), and the beginning of a new journey which will see me tackle and submit new novels, including the dark urban fantasy project I have worked on for ten years as well as several brand new ideas. I'm back in the game, and this time I'm making my own rules.