The band featured Kimberly Goss (Ancient/Dimmu Borgir etc) on some incredible lead vocals and some bloke called Alexi Laiho (You might have heard of him from some random metal act called Children of Bodom) on lead guitar along with Marco Hietala (who then joined NIGHTWISH), and they played some truly splendid trad metal.
Another album was written, yet it never saw the light of day. One minute there are updates from Kim about the band heading into the studio, and then...nothing.
Sure, Alexi (Kimberly's ex from many years ago) would no longer be a part of the band thanks to the soaring success of Children of Bodom. Checking out the band's Myspace page (the bio says': 'new album in 2007' at the end of it, and the page has not been logged into since 2008), it would seem that the band has vanished altogether.
This is a shame, as with that last album they were onto something very special. The arrangements were very exciting, the musicianship incredible, and the vocals of Goss had developed a massive amount from previous efforts. It's such a shame when bands with so much promise and talent just disappear. What is Kimberly Goss up to now? I do hope that we'll hear that voice again.