Yes, I know that I look like Adrian Edmondson when people stick their glasses on me. This is something I have learned to deal with over a period of many years. The reason that it is so easy to deal with is that Adrian Edmondson is one of my heroes, and it's flattering to be compared to a hero. Granted, I'll only ever resemble him in the sense that I'm bald and I say 'Bollocks' too often, and will probably never do anything quite as wonderful as Bottom or the Bad Shepherds, but still, it's something. There have been more people suggest I dress up as Eddie from Bottom than Ade has had comedy punch-ups, but I can't really complain. I mean, it could be worse. I could look like Rik Mayall instead.... (That's a joke Rik, I swear. I worship you too sir, your highness, your greatness).
I fully intend to say hello to the marvellous Mr Edmondson when I finally get to see the Bad Shepherds play live, as there have been requests from my friends to see the two of us in the same place and see if the universe collapses. One of the most delightful things about Ade is the fact that he seems so very easy to talk to, and I look forward to finding out. He has the perpetual look of someone who wandered onto a set or a stage by accident, and is most perturbed by all the people watching and laughing. That is very endearing indeed. Like an old dog that smells a bit funny but is relentlessly loving. I'm not saying Ade smells funny though. I'm sure he is most fragrant.
When I was a teenager and still had hair, the most common lookalike I was accused of was Suggs from madness, however this was largely down to the fact I had some similar sunglasses. The Ade comparison is a much more comfortable thing, as not only do I get to amuse a few people with it, but it gives me an excuse to don a pair of glasses, grin and yell "You do talk an incredible amount of bollocks!"
Life is full of these small pleasures.
Mind you, nobody is getting my emergency Bitter, even if I *do* get stuck at the top of a ferris wheel.