MARVEL MOVIES TO COME? I'm happy to have a go...

Hey Marvel Productions folks, I hear you're going to be making a range of lower budget flicks based on lesser known characters. As a massive fan of Marvel's titles and a working writer (okay, only as a music journalist and pop culture blogger, but there's more too), I'd love to have a go at scripting any project whatsoevver, no matter the character. If you're having trouble sourcing a writer for DAZZLER or anything at all, drop me a line. Samples available to the mighty Marvel.

Do I think anyone will actually respond to this? Nah. Just wanted to put it out there, and it's quicker than diving into a slush pile. Hell, it's worth a try, and while it's a long shot, it's late and I'm tired and my judgement is slightly skewed.

So, how about it Marvel?
