I love The Guild, and I am not ashamed in the slightest.
The Guild, that delightfully fun web series about the gaming and IRL adventures of a mismatched group of gamers, is back for a fourth season (Visit the official site HERE). This is cause to rejoice, and I have partaken of the first episode, which I'm happy to report is great, as ever. In related news I just finished reading the three-issue prequel miniseries from Dark Horse comics, which tells the story of the Guild's formation and was written by the show's star and creator, Felicia Day.
Felicia Day is a marvel of the internet generation. After some notable TV work, she really seemed to come into her own with her web work in Dr Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog as well as the Guild, cementing her likeness and comedic creativity in the hearts and minds of people in geeky t-shirts the world over.
But what is it about The Guild that makes it stand out over all of those other web based shows? Well, for one thing it's actually funny, and has that awkward edge about it that lifts it up a few notches above the competition (actually, is there any competition?). Next to the writing, the ensemble cast is the key to the series' popularity. Each of them perfectly captures a different subset of the geek community and they do so with accuracy that can only make us all cringe when we see ourselves in them.
Another aspect that is so endearing about the series is the fact that it doesn't take itself seriously (which is good, considering it's about gamers...heh). Proof of this is available in the music video the cast were in for the song '(Do You Wanna Date My) Avatar'. I mean, you can't go wrong with a bunch of nerds in brightly coloured cosplay outfits, can you?
I think the group has perfectly captured a style which affectionately pokes fun at their own audience, and because Felicia's just as much of a geek as the rest of us, you can;t help but join in. While The Guild may not bee to everyone's tastes, it is a damn fine series made by some very talented people, and if you are yet to discover this particular avenue of pleasure, then I suggest you do so immediately. I mean, how else are you going to join in with the in-jokes otherwise?