It's no longer a chore to get online and get busy (or get procrastinating, depending on your own habits), it's no longer required to know how to code to make something fantastic (which cheers me up immensely as I have no clue whatsoever about code beyond a tiny bit of HTML), and the net is accepted as an integral part of our lives. Children are growing up who can't imagine a world without the internet. Well I can remember it, and it was a very different place.
Is it better or worse now? Both, for various reasons. There are some amazing possibilities for the web that are only just being realized now, and many things are improving all the time. Like what? Like the forthcoming new version of DIGG, for example (with a much greater social aspect which appears to be a genuinely great new way of sharing content), or the continued popularity of Twitter (which I am most pleased about due to the sheer simplicity of the service), and any number of others.
Of course, the web still has a ton of problems, especially with its biggest sites (by which I mean the privacy concerns with Facebook), but we do seem to be living in an age of solutions rather than obstacles. Information has never been easier to obtain, creativity and self expression has never been so welcome, and social interaction over great distances has never been easier. Enjoy it, people. Join in. Get involved. Be a part of this evolutionary phase, and let's run away from the days of 56k connections at an ever faster pace.