There are so many pictures of one of her two facial expressions at the moment that walking past a newsagent is like seeing some grotesque flip-book in action. SINCERE CHERYL. Smiley Cheryl. SINCERE CHERYL. Smiley Cheryl. SINCERE CHERYL. Smiley Cheryl. SINCERE CHERYL. Smiley Cheryl. Something else that irks me isn't really her fault (more rather her PR people who probably float the 'rumours'), but that of the cheap rags that publish stuff about her. NEW PAIN FOR CHERYL. CHERYL'S HEARTACHE. What next? CHERYL'S FLATULENCE?
It's no wonder the poor little thing has turned into some fake-tanned somnambulist. The rapid-fire succession of nonsense surrounding her has evidently melted her brain. Oh yeah, and she's a karaoke judge as well isn't she? This amazes me. How can someone who has spent their entire professional career having her every vocal note processed and tweaked in ProTools/Logic/Cubase/Whatever actually pass judgement on people who are actually singing? An anyway, she only found fame through a game show in the first place. It's hardly like she's Ella Fitzgerald. Take a listen to her solo stuff. If you can stomach it. Mmmmm, taste those auto-tuned tones.
Oh yeah, and let's not forget the malaria. Oh POOR Cheryl. Poor little rich, violent racist thug. Yes, it's awful that she suffered from it, but it was one hell of a profile boost amidst all the other shit that was supposed to be going on at the same time. Cynical? Nah. Just jaded. Cheryl, you might be lovely, but I am so very, very sick of the sight of you. Couldn't you at least catch another tropical disease and offer us some proper entertainment?
PS: Nadine's new solo single is shite, but it's a million times more entertaining than any of your own stuff. So there.