FIREFEST 2010: Let The Rock n' Roll... erm... Roll.

FireFest 2010 begins tonight at Nottingham Rock City, and I'll be there as part of the Powerplay Rock and Metal magazine contingent to cover the bands and shenanigans at the festival.

Personally I'm really looking forward to spending some time around people that share my passion for old school rock music, and also to take in some of the best melodic rock acts around. I'm most looking forward to seeing Lynch Mob tomorrow night, as I am a massive fan of George Lynch as a musician, but I'm stoked for the other bands too.

The big moment for me will come on Sunday afternoon, when I'll be interviewing the legendary Nelson brothers, and later on reviewing their show at the festival. Good times indeed, and most appreciated right now as I've been having one hell of a crap time lately.

Hope to see some of you there!
