Captain America: Will this be as awesome as it looks?

With everything I see about the new Captain America movie starring Chris Evans and Hugo weaving, I'm getting genuinely more excited. When the project was first announced I pretty much shrugged. I'm English, and thus Cap has nowhere near as much interest to me than he perhaps does to a US based fan, but with the trailers, photos and word of mouth building towards a crescendo now, I think I'm sold on it.

It has the right director in Joe Johnston, a good cast, and from the clips we've seen it looks fantastic. I just hope that it manages to find a decent audience beyond the US as well as in its homeland, otherwise the forthcoming Avengers movie may have hit an early snag.

Anyway, with the director of The Rocketeer bringing us some serious WWII Captain America action (and hopefully a satisfying transition to the modern age at the film's climax), I know I'll be there on the opening weekend for some shield-flinging action. Just don't expect me to sing 'Amazing Grace'.
