Look at the posters for the original Swedish films (which are quite brilliant). The posters that aren’t face-shots of Noomi Rapace as Lisbeth depict the character in a leather jacket and hoody. Those images fit the character and the story much better than a cheap shot of an actress with her tits out. This is just one more reason for me to not see this bloody remake.
Here's one of the posters for the original:

I know that money needs to be made from the franchise before it fades into being mocked a la The Da Vinci Code (even though a fortune has already been looted from Larsson’s legacy), but there are better ways. Hell, there’s an English audio dub on the Swedish DVDs. If people can’t deal with subtitles, just flip the audio. And has Rooney been photoshopped? She seems rather more buxom in that image than she actually is in the film. I’ll never know though, as I for one won’t be going to see this remake. Not for me, thanks.