The cover shoot for my next book, FOR THE FALLEN, happened on Monday here in Nottingham. Featuring cover model Kelly Purdy in costume as Lisa, the character whose physical description I based on her, the cover photos were shot by the creative powerhouse that is Christopher Dowson, who is now editing and sorting through the forty photos that were shot in order to pick the final two for the front and back covers of the new book.
Pictured above is a phone-cam photo from during the shoot, where I got a strange opportunity to be photographed *with* one of my characters! The shoot was great fun to observe, and I have already seen some early edits of the photos and can confirm it's going to look fantastic.
Chris will also be overseeing a revamp of the previous book, DEAD THING, and the final book in the series which will be announced properly soon! FOR THE FALLEN is another standalone horror novella, but it also serves as a direct sequel to DEAD THING and the central part of THE OTHERSIDE TRILOGY.
More news on this very, very soon!