FIREFEST 2011: Yet More Proof That Rock Is Alive And Well

I'm still coming down from the amazing weekend of music that was FireFest 2011. After last year's incredible event I thought it would be impossible to have a better time, but I was even more thrilled this time around. There is more to the festival than just listening to a bunch of bands, though. Much more.

A massive part of the magic of FireFest is the atmosphere – The crowd, the artists and the crew all seemed to be getting along famously, safe in the knowledge that they were amongst their own kind, sharing a deep and long lasting love for melodic rock.

Every band played their hearts out, and aside from a technical issue here and there, I couldn't have wished for more. Even though a selection of the acts had also played at last year's, the feeling of deja vu was minimal, and that's a testament to the quality on show.

I was lucky enough to spend a good deal of the event up in the VIP area, and talking to the other journalists up there and some of the artists themselves, I was thrilled that everyone seemed to be on the same page.

This is a festival that kicks ass in every way, from the cheery merchandise stall staff and the camaraderie of a venue full of people who barely know each other, right up to the polished and thrilling performances from each band onstage. The community spirit of FireFest went that step further this year, with a special extra event being held in order to help raise money for the Just Say Yes charity for children living with cancer. A most admirable endeavour.

I'm getting started on my parts of the write-up for a forthcoming issue of Powerplay, but had to speak up now and say thanks to everyone, the bands, the crowd and that hugely dedicated crew, for another weekend that I'll never forget. The melodic rock scene is very much alive, and I can't help but feel that FireFest is its heart and soul.
