New Release! BAGGED AND BOARDED: LIFE ON PLANET GEEK - out now for Kindle!

My sixth book, BAGGED AND BOARDED: LIFE ON PLANET GEEK is out now for the Kindle and Kindle Apps! A funny, moving, chaotic chronicle of my nine years spent working in a busy comic shop, it's a book a lot of people have asked me to write for several years.

Think of it as both a Time Capsule and an Exorcism. That place meant so much to me, but it also sent me ever so slightly insane.

This book, including all of the ridiculous things that happened to myself and my colleagues during nine years of geeing out, is intended as a love letter to that time as well as a look at how mad life can be when you work in retail.

It does have a comics and film geek bias, but anyone who has ever worked in a shop will find stuff here they can relate to.

Click on the cover or the text below to purchase and download your copy!



Unknown said…
I recently bought Andrew's book Bagged and Boarded and started to enjoy it very quickly and as I was a huge Marvel comics and horror fanzine fan some years ago I could relate to incidents in the book straight away. Also what helps was I was a newsagent for 13 years so I have a good idea what a sitting duck you are when you work in retail. What I mainly wanted to talk about was the Chucky dolls which I totally agree with Andrew on this subject. Also apart from the Chucky dolls why on earth would anyone want to make a series of Freddy Kruger dolls that fall easily into small hands by parents who have no brains. Remember Freddy is a child molester and even though I'm still a horror fan I still find it sick that Chucky and Freddy were commercialized in this way! Ok, now my blood pressure has dropped I just want to finish off by saying grab yourself a copy of this book as it will keep you laughing mainly at the antics of the shop staff and some strange customers! Enjoy!!