Meme time! I was tagged in a blog post by local writer Adrian Reynolds to take part in a writer-based series of questions about where I'm at with stuff, and then pass on the torch to other hacks out there. Here's my own entry. I hope it gives you a bit of an insight into my fevered brain and the stuff I'm up to.

What is the working title of your book? 

Which one?! There are a number of titles very nearly ready to unleash upon the public. My next non-fiction book is VHS ATE MY BRAIN, an affectionate and hugely geeky book about the rare breed of nerd that I am, namely a VHS horror collector.

My next fiction releases will be I AM THE DARK, the third and final book in THE OTHERSIDE TRILOGY, following on from DEAD THING and FOR THE FALLEN.

Next year there will be some special 'Double' releases from me, featuring two stories per volume, as well as a bunch of new non-fiction titles (and yes, in answer to a lot of questions, there will indeed be a sort-of sequel to BAGGED AND BOARDED: LIFE ON PLANET GEEK).

Where did the idea come from for your book? 

The Otherside books are an amalgam of horror movie brain pollution, comics and too much sci-fi TV. My shorter fiction inhabits a strange Clive Barker/Neil Gaiman/Isaac Asimov/Frederik Pohl headspace.

My non-fiction material is largely geek-centric and told with lashings of humour and delicious sarcasm.

Where do my ideas come from? All over the place. Oh, and if ideas don't come, I will just start writing, and the ideas will shape themselves.

What genre does your book fall under? 

My books thus far fall under the following genres:

ACROSS THE SEAS OF MIND – Science Fiction collection
ACCESS NO AREAS – Journalism collection
DEAD THING – Horror/Fantasy
FOR THE FALLEN – Horror/Fantasy

Next titles:

I AM THE DARK – Horror/Fantasy
VHS ATE MY BRAIN – Cult films/non-fiction
Doubles titles – Science fiction/fantasy

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? 

Focus on cast members from the modern era of Doctor Who and I'd be happy.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? 

I AM THE DARK; The epic and horrific conclusion to THE OTHERSIDE TRILOGY, in which the Paranormal Division must face a brutal otherwordly darkness on an unimaginable scale.

VHS ATE MY BRAIN: The rantings of a geek obsessed with ancient cheap horror movies on a long-dead format, including interviews with other likeminded freaks around the world.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? 

My books are currently published in print and digitally via my Dreamrider Media imprint. The short fiction I had picked up for US distribution was published by Positronic Creations. My music journalism is published nationally in Powerplay. Next year I'll have some more pro stuff out too.

How long did it take to write the first draft of your manuscript? 

Each takes me around three months from initial draft to finished product. These two have taken me a while longer due to becoming a father this year and having no sleep, let alone enough time to write anything other than my regular national freelancing.

What other books would you compare your story to in this genre? 

Hmm. I'd say THE OTHERSIDE TRILOGY would appeal to mature readers who love darker Doctor Who, Torchwood and brutal horror stories with a genre film feel to them. Perhaps Ray Bradbury's darker moments.

Who or What inspired you to write this book? 

Horror movies, comics, anime, metal, novels by people like Clive Barker, Tess Gerritsen and Shaun Hutson, Doctor Who, the X-Files and much more.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? 

The cover to DEAD THING (the first book in The Otherside Trilogy) has an absolutely stunning cover by an incredible artist. I'm hoping that the final book can have just as amazing a cover.

As for stuff like BAGGED AND BOARDED and VHS ATE MY BRAIN, there are very specific audiences who I know want titles like them very much. All I'm doing is writing about stuff I love which I know others can relate to.

Right, that's me. Here are the people I'm tagging for next week's players... Thanks for reading!

CLAIRE LOUISA THOMAS - Author, journalist, humourist, genius and mother.

HARRY PATERSON - Political writer, music journalist and famous Grump.

JUSTIN MACUMBER - Author, podcaster, editor. Also known as a Dead Robot...

ANGELA GRANT - Geek. Rush obsessive.

DIE BOOTH - Writer. Enigma.

S.ROIT - Author of the Paris Immortal novels.
