DOCTOR WHO ADVENTURES 12 - OUT NOW! - A very proud moment

So, that big thing I mentioned a few months ago that I said would come out in March? Here it is. I'm about as excited as it gets!

DOCTOR WHO ADVENTURES issue 12, containing my Paternoster Gang story 'The Case Of The Curious Fugitive' is OUT NOW across the country in print and also available in a superb digital edition!

I am so very pleased to be able to be a little part of the Doctor Who universe, a franchise that means so very much to me. I've been a fan since seeing the first episode of 'Remembrance of the Daleks' as a ten year old in 1988. I was there through the 'Wilderness Years', buying the BBC novels (both the EDAs and PDAs kept the flame burning!), Big Finish audios and classics on video and DVD.

I obsessed over the show's return in 2005 and have loved pretty much every episode over the years since 'Rose' brought adventures in a big blue box back to TVs all over the world.

Having this story in Doctor Who Adventures has been a wonderful experience. The magazine's editor and the story's artist have been wonderful people to be in touch with, and I couldn't be more pleased with the finished piece.

It's out all month and comes with a box of mini Doctor Who monsters!

Please do let me or the magazine know if you have any feedback about 'The Case Of The Curious Fugitive.' It was a pleasure to write and it's an honour to be involved in a universe and franchise that has inspired, entertained and fuelled me for so long.

I would love to create more for the Doctor Who universe soon. I'd best get to work!

You can find out more about the issue over at Doctor Who Adventures
