The past couple of weeks have been somewhat hectic at Castle Hawnt, which has left little time for big games with the kids, although several small scale skirmishes have taken place and these have been able to push our family game narrative forward. Here begins a series of reports from the battlefield, as lived by Adeptus Astartes of the Ironwing, Salamander and Ultramarine chapters.
Relay At Virilus VI
Battle report by Lieutenant Talis of the Ironwing Space Marines
Following on from the battle at the stronghold on Garilan IX where we stood beside our Ultramarine brothers against a Death Guard force, the squad had returned to our rely outpost on the otherwise barren Virilus VI. The Plague Marines, which held dangerous teleportation tech, had used a wave of Poxwalkers as well as their pestilent weapons against us to reduce our numbers.
The addition of an Ork warband complicated matters, but ultimately the Death Guard were annihilated by Brother Joseph, who detonated the unstable tech's core. We returned with our number lessened, but we made sure that the gene seed was collected so that their essence may be added to future battle brothers.
While most had since returned to our orbiting ship for treatment or to assist with equipment repairs, brother Larin and I remained at our outpost to complete the exit. We gathered munitions and other supplies from the Munitorum armoured containers beside the main structure of the outpost in order to load them onto the next transport the Captain would send for us. We had two hours until the transport would make landfall, so we worked quickly.
Little did we know that a reconnaissance party of three Death Guard had hidden from our auspexes by covering themselves in plague flies. Clearly their teleportation tech had not all been ruined in the blast that had ended our previous battle. They revealed themselves with a hail of heavy Bolter fire, some of which detonated an ammunition crate and almost blew us apart. The battle was swift and brutal. There were no tactics at play here – just a sudden violent drive towards extermination.
These filth-ridden nightmares must have been sent to cleanse the outpost completely and take it for themselves, but they clearly hadn't counted on us. I freed a barrage of Bolter shells at them while Larian rushed to the nearest container, swiftly climbing atop it and training one of the roof-mounted Storm Bolters on the plague marines.
One, a pus-oozing horror whose face bulged out in fleshy lines between the cracks in his helm and whose stomach hung from the torso like some stinking, bloated growth, was shredded into filthy meat and tarnished ceramite. I wounded the others, but their pestilent forms repaired themselves before my eyes.
They fired again, Larin taking a shell to the shoulder. Thankfully his armour held strong, if blackened and dented by the impact. We conferred over the vox and rent open a munitions crate. Soon the space between us and them was filled with active frag grenades and krak grenades. S the first detonated, the others followed in a violent chain reaction that blew the three Death Guard apart like so much spoiled meat. We incinerated the corpses and completed our preparations.
As a small troop carrier arrived for us and we loaded it up, we passed on a message to be sent to the nearest other battle brothers. The dark forces of Nurgle were in the vicinity. Before we arrived back on board our chapter's ship, we had heard from squads fighting for two revered chapters – the Salamanders and the Ultramarines.
I wager we may need their assistance soon.
Relay At Virilus VI
Battle report by Lieutenant Talis of the Ironwing Space Marines
Following on from the battle at the stronghold on Garilan IX where we stood beside our Ultramarine brothers against a Death Guard force, the squad had returned to our rely outpost on the otherwise barren Virilus VI. The Plague Marines, which held dangerous teleportation tech, had used a wave of Poxwalkers as well as their pestilent weapons against us to reduce our numbers.
The addition of an Ork warband complicated matters, but ultimately the Death Guard were annihilated by Brother Joseph, who detonated the unstable tech's core. We returned with our number lessened, but we made sure that the gene seed was collected so that their essence may be added to future battle brothers.
While most had since returned to our orbiting ship for treatment or to assist with equipment repairs, brother Larin and I remained at our outpost to complete the exit. We gathered munitions and other supplies from the Munitorum armoured containers beside the main structure of the outpost in order to load them onto the next transport the Captain would send for us. We had two hours until the transport would make landfall, so we worked quickly.
Little did we know that a reconnaissance party of three Death Guard had hidden from our auspexes by covering themselves in plague flies. Clearly their teleportation tech had not all been ruined in the blast that had ended our previous battle. They revealed themselves with a hail of heavy Bolter fire, some of which detonated an ammunition crate and almost blew us apart. The battle was swift and brutal. There were no tactics at play here – just a sudden violent drive towards extermination.
These filth-ridden nightmares must have been sent to cleanse the outpost completely and take it for themselves, but they clearly hadn't counted on us. I freed a barrage of Bolter shells at them while Larian rushed to the nearest container, swiftly climbing atop it and training one of the roof-mounted Storm Bolters on the plague marines.
One, a pus-oozing horror whose face bulged out in fleshy lines between the cracks in his helm and whose stomach hung from the torso like some stinking, bloated growth, was shredded into filthy meat and tarnished ceramite. I wounded the others, but their pestilent forms repaired themselves before my eyes.
They fired again, Larin taking a shell to the shoulder. Thankfully his armour held strong, if blackened and dented by the impact. We conferred over the vox and rent open a munitions crate. Soon the space between us and them was filled with active frag grenades and krak grenades. S the first detonated, the others followed in a violent chain reaction that blew the three Death Guard apart like so much spoiled meat. We incinerated the corpses and completed our preparations.
As a small troop carrier arrived for us and we loaded it up, we passed on a message to be sent to the nearest other battle brothers. The dark forces of Nurgle were in the vicinity. Before we arrived back on board our chapter's ship, we had heard from squads fighting for two revered chapters – the Salamanders and the Ultramarines.
I wager we may need their assistance soon.