Compendium 2020 – Story 6

By Andrew Hawnt

Hello. You're awake? Wonderful. We're so glad you're here. I'm Jenny, but I used to be called Margaret when I was alive. That's Bonko, who was Dennis, and Fluffypup, who was called Harry. What was your name?

Oh of course, silly me. Clawing at your face like that won't do much good. It's made of wood now. Your mouth is just painted on. No, you can't scream. Who would come anyway? You're just a wooden toy soldier in a box now, but that's ok. You're with friends.

I can speak because I have a voice box and it says things when someone pulls the cord on my back. Do you like my hair? It's very pretty, isn't it? My real hair was burned off when they caught me. I can still feel it when all of those parents tracked me down and beat me to death for killing all those kids. I can't say I blame them.

I can hear you. In my head. Yes, I know you can't make your new body work. It takes time, but you'll get the hang of it soon, which is good as we have work to do.

Feel that? The Keeper is taking us in his truck to a new town. Once he opens the Slaughterbox, we can get out and carry on as we did in life, but nobody can catch us now.

Why are you a toy now? Because sometimes, unfinished business can make someone so crazy that the evil inside them ferments and boils and becomes a living thing. Then when the psycho dies, that darkness escapes and needs somewhere to go. You're welcome here.

That's it, lift your hand. It's just the right shape to hold the knife the Keeper gave you. Look, that's it, you can stand now. Very smart. A wooden soldier with the face of a crying clown painted on. Very smart with your knife and the way your limbs dance on their joints when you move. We'll have so much fun together.

Hear that? We've stopped. Bonko, Fluffypup, this is Soldier. Everyone get ready. The Keeper is lifting us out of the truck now. Let me see...

Yes, I can see through the space in the Slaughterbox lid. It's getting dark. Soon it'll be playtime.

What's that, soldier? You know this street? That's the house of the judge who sent you down before you were killed in prison? How wonderful. Let's visit there first.

See, Soldier? Even though your mouth is just painted on, I knew you would learn to laugh again. And what a laugh it is.

Let's make it the last thing he hears.


© Andrew Hawnt 2020

About Compendium 2020:

Compendium 2020 is a project from author Andrew Hawnt and consists of 52 weekly stories encompassing science fiction, fantasy and horror. They are a mix of short stories and flash fiction, 100% original and written throughout 2020. Why is he doing this? To keep the words flowing. To keep the ideas coming. To dance in worlds that are his and his alone. To prove that he can.

About Andrew Hawnt:

You can find Andrew on Facebook at and on Twitter and Instagram as @andrewhawnt. Formerly a musician and DJ, Andrew is known for his books, comic book writing, music journalism and more, including fiction in Doctor Who Adventures, the Judge Dredd Megazine and others. Look out for his film work soon.
